These Victoria's Secret black leather OTK boots in the same style and same size (9) sold for vastly different prices just 2 days apart. The pair in the upper photo sold for $51.00 while the pair in the bottom photo sold for $122.50. Makes my size 8 pair of these boots seem like a real deal at $38.95!
Is it the pictures (the $51.00 pair was modeled while the $122.50 had some excellent pictures and several close-ups)? Is it the fact that the seller of the $51.00 boots was located in Canada (I'm less likely to buy from a seller in Canada because of shipping and customs)? Is it timing ($51.00 ended on Monday while $122.50 ended on Saturday)? Who knows? Regardless, eBay can definitely be fickle when it comes how much the same exact item will sell for.