Thursday, May 9, 2019

These vintage 1980s red leather over-the-knee boots by Mary Popps sold for a deserving $159.50.

These size 9/39 boots were made in Italy and feature black piping and an unusual black zipper on the outer side of the boot shaft.  For vintage boots, they appear to be in very good condition.

While I like the style, I'm not sure how practical red leather boots are, especially OTK boots.  I could see these paired for a holiday party with a black or red sweater dress or for a more casual look, over black skinny jeans.  I suppose they could also be made to work as part of a sexy Wonder Woman costume although these look more like villainess boots to me!

The seller also indicated that these boots could be worn cuffed, and while I do think some boots look very good cuffed, I don't think this style was meant to be cuffed.  It just looks really awkward on these pair with the cuff being open on the side rather than the back of the boots.