eBay leather seller "rocannalea" sold this size 8.5 pair, which came with the original box, for an impressive $227.50. As usual, nice modeling and photos from this seller. I especially like how the boots are the perfect height for wearing with a blazer, in this case a quilted leather blazer. I've often thought it would be fun to wear these with a black leather blazer as part of a very sexy Halloween costume!
UPDATE 1/20/14: Apparently, the first sale of these boots didn't go through, as "rocannalea" listed them again and sold them for an even more impressive $415.00!
These size 9 boots, which were listed at 35" tall, sold for their starting bid of $199.99. These appeared to be in very good condition, although with the usual disintegrating heel tips. The interesting placement of toe taps makes me wonder if these would sound even sexier walking down the sidewalk?!
This size 8.5 pair, which came with the original box, sold for $168.09.
This size 8.5 pair in good condition sold for their Buy It Now price of $150.
Finally, this size 7 pair sold for their starting bid of $100. Interesting, as the seller pointed out, it appears these boots were re-dyed as red boots, then re-dyed again to the original black color. Even more interesting is the addition of zippers where the cuff opens at the back of the boot. As the seller indicated, these modified boots probably have an interesting history to them.